KEPAILITAN, Perdagangan, Investasi dan Ketenagkerjaan Real Estate Pembuatan Draft Rencana Penutupan Perusahaan, Pengajuan gugatan kepailitan, Mempertahankan perusahaan dari gugatan kepailitan pihak lain, Penutupan dan Pembubaran suatu Perusahaan. Penyelesaian Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial (PHI) meliputi perselisihan hak, perselisihan kepentingan, perselisihan pemutusan hubungan kerja, dan perselisihan antar serikat pekerja/serikat buruh, dan lain-lainnya.
BANKRUPTCY, trade, investment and real estate employment, drafting of company lock out, filing of bankruptcy lawsuit, maintaining the company from other parties' bankruptcy claims, closure and dissolution of a company, and others, legal audit on employment, legal employment training, security arrangements, welfare and health of labor, regulations on wages and working time, labor wage prosecution, unilateral termination of employment, crime in the field of employment, violations provincial minimum wages and working time, social security and health care (Jamsostek). Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement (PHI) includes rights disputes, interest disputes, employment disputes disputes, and disputes between trade unions / labor unions, and others.